Tuesday, October 3, 2006


Hey folks, this is Brad comin' at ya. Mr. Studlyhunk gave me his login/password information since they won't let him have his laptop at the hospital, and he knows you all are worried about him.

SO. The first round of surgery went really smoothly. Mr. Studlyhunk is doing well, and healing fast. He has one more less serious operation scheduled for this Sunday, and if that goes as well as we're hoping, he'll be home next week!

I have some pictures from the hospital that I'll try to put on here, if I can figure out how to do it. I'm not as tech-savvy as Mr. S, that's for sure!

Peace out,

Brad Schweiber

Friday, September 1, 2006

Bad News

You've probably been wondering where I've been lately. Apparently, when I was in Erie for Campstravaganza, I reinjured my shoulder. I really wasn't even DOING anything, it just happened. I figured I would just have to do some minor physical therapy exercises to heal it, and that would be that.

Well, I went to the doctor, and it turns out that things inside my arm are completely messed up. In order to fix it so that I can use it to live the active lifestyle I'm accustomed to, I am going to have to undergo major surgery.

They are thinking that they are going to have to AMPUTATE my arm and do a bunch of major reconstructive surgery inside. Then they'll stitch me back up, and I will have to wait for it to heal.

Now, I'm a brave man. And a strong man. But I'm not going to lie. I'm scared to death. This is MAJOR surgery. There is a chance I might not even make it out alive. I've been pretty depressed the past couple of weeks, and haven't been able to bring myself to blog about this until now.

So, there you have it. I go under the knife this weekend. Please send good vibes. I HAVE to be okay. I have to.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Campstravaganza Birthday Weekend

This weekend was my birthday! A bunch of my buddies were getting together for a camping weekend in Erie, PA. What a perfect way to celebrate my b-day! I drove up with Carl and Brad.

Here we are with Kate, Julie and Beth. Julie and I share the same birthday!

Brad with Anne and Beth!

Brad with Beth! He totally has a crush on her:

Me and Kate:

Me and Moss:

We played birthday games, including Pin the Tail on the Unicorn. Beth won, and I did pretty well myself!

Jenny hand-sewed this birthday card for me out of felt!

Look. Thirty-two candles!

On Saturday, we went to the beach. My favorite place of ALL.

Carl, Brad and I practiced some body building poses:

Goofing off in the sand:

We helped bury Moss in the sand, too:

Brad loves to bury his buddies:

I'm so glad everyone could make it out to help me celebrate my birthday!

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Tonight I headed out for awhile to play some darts. I didn't take very many pictures, but I did get this great shot of me in front of the board:

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

This weekend I cruised through Detroit to wish Ryan a happy birthday. It was a pretty wild afternoon party, with softball and volleyball! Also lots of great grilled food.

Here I am cracking Summer up on the hammock:

And here I am with Ryan! Happy birthday, dude!

Thursday, June 1, 2006

The Best Thing About Hot Weather

Bikini Season. Eye candy everywhere I look! These pictures are all from ONE stroll through campus I took this afternoon. Definitely my favorite time of year.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Party Festivities

It's been a great long weekend. The highlight was last night, when Brad, Carl and I did some Memorial Day Weekend party hopping! We stayed the longest at Kate's party, because there were so many ladies there!

What's up, Rose?

We played quite a lot of corn hole. I'm pretty awesome at it.

Me and my buddy Scott. I haven't seen this dude since college!

Ha, that Carl is such a goof. Well well well!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Hot Nuts

Tonight I headed out to Tony's for awhile. It seemed like a good week to start the weekend on Thursday night! A bunch of my favorite girls were out, so I had a couple of drinks with them.

First we did a round of Tony's Hot Nuts.

Cheers, Leslie and Kate!

Things got pretty wild for a Thursday night. Those hot nuts (man, I hate saying that! GROSS.) are so delicious.

I don't remember this picture being taken! But clearly I was having fun!

Aw, hi, Cathleen!

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Cinco de Mayo!

Just got back from a Cinco de Mayo party at Missy's place. Olé! We drank delicious margaritas with fresh lime juice.

Then Kathleen challenged me to some shots of Suaza.

In the spirit of the occasion, somebody made homemade salsa. I stuck to the hot myself.

It really was hot. Unless that was just me?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Next Stop: Mount Everest!

This morning at the gym, I climbed the rock wall. It's such an exhilarating workout. I scaled that puppy in no time! I think maybe this summer, I want to do a road trip and go climb some real mountains.

Look! There I am, on the lower left portion of the wall:

Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday Night Friends

My friends Clark and Anne are in Athens this weekend! They're staying with Kate, so I swung by there to hang out for awhile tonight. We hung around, sipped some brews, and then I headed off to a party. It was nice to see them!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Yard Work

It was so gorgeous outside today, I decided to do some yard work. I always find myself with so much energy in the spring! My yard is going to look incredible this year. I really showed those weeds who's boss!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Poker Party!

Last night was J's birthday! J and Summer threw a poker party. It cost $10 to play. Summer made tons of food, and the booze was flowing freely.

Aaron Burk was there.

There were a lot of players. Here's Summer, Suzanne, Ryan, Rose and Chad.

Here I am, with Aaron and the Birthday Boy behind me!

Since it wasn't just a normal poker night, and it was also a birthday party, the shots came out pretty early. Patron! Ole!

Here's me right before I went all in, and lost. From now on, no tequila on poker nights for me! It's okay, I don't mind that I lost. J won, and it just seems appropriate for the birthday boy to win.

Plus, since I was out of the game, it meant I could go check out the snacks! What man can resist a delicious cupcake?

Or a little good-natured flirtation from a beautiful woman? Mmm, grapes.